Three Reasons Men Don't Go to the Doctor

August 19, 2015


What is it about guys and going to the doctor? A study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revealed that men are 80 percent less likely than women to regularly visit a medical professional. AFC Urgent Care would like to take a minute to address why men don’t go to the doctor, and why they really should.

  1. They don’t think anything is wrong. No nagging pains, no skyrocketing fever and nothing that a couple ibuprofen couldn’t fix. Why get someone to fix what isn’t broken? That can-do attitude is great for lots of things but not for your health. Many of the problems that affect men’s health the most are only detectable by a medical professional. High blood pressure and diabetes are two common ailments that are virtually impossible to detect on your own.
  2. They’re worried about change. CDC FastStats reveal that only about 53 percent of men over 18 met the federal guidelines for daily physical activity. It’s true that a visit to your doctor might involve a conversation about what habits need to change in order for you to live a healthier life. What isn’t true is that this conversation has to be a bad thing. A change to your lifestyle might be as simple and enjoyable as a few more games of pickup basketball with the guys or a ballroom dance class with your partner. You never know until you ask your doctor.
  3. It’s embarrassing. We get it. Every conversation that involves the words “prostate” or “testicular” is going to get a little personal, and that can be uncomfortable. It can be even harder to have conversations about depression and emotional health concerns. Remember that your doctor is a professional who will never share your information with anyone who does not need it. An awkward conversation is well, awkward, but much easier than not having the right information about your health.

Some people find visits to the doctor too uncomfortable or too time-consuming, and they put off making an appointment. We don’t want to scare you, but over time that attitude is definitely detrimental to your health. That’s why AFC Urgent Care offers medical care that is quick and efficient but also in tune with your specific needs as a patient. No appointment necessary, just walk in and get a checkup!
Do you have any tips to make visits to the doctor easier? Share them with us.


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