When you think of allergy symptoms, you may automatically think of the spring season. The spring season is peak allergy season for many due to the blooming season. However, many people suffer from allergies during other seasons, including the fall. If you’re suffering from illness symptoms this fall, you’re not alone. Learn more about when to expect symptom relief and tips for treating seasonal allergy symptoms.
If your allergy symptoms are driving you crazy, AFC Urgent Care Edgewater can help. Seasonal allergies and mild illness symptoms can blend together, but our team of expert medical providers will accurately diagnose your symptoms so that you can treat them accordingly. For same-day allergy symptom relief, walk into AFC Edgewater today.
Seasonal Allergy Symptoms
If you’re someone who suffers from seasonal allergies, you may be well aware of common allergy symptoms. However, for many, allergy symptoms can be difficult to diagnose. In many cases, seasonal allergy symptoms are confused with illness symptoms. While seasonal allergies and mild illnesses such as colds may share symptoms, seasonal allergies have their own symptoms and behaviors that can help you identify whether your symptoms are caused by allergies or an illness.
Common seasonal allergy symptoms include:
- Congestion
- Runny nose
- Itchy and red eyes
- Cough
- Hives
- Post-nasal drip
How Long Does Fall Allergy Season Last?
If you’re someone who is struggling to manage their fall allergy symptoms, you may be wondering - how long is this going to last? Fall allergies tend to get worse before they get better. This is because fall allergies are caused by mold and ragweed. As the leaves on the trees die and fall to the ground they grow mold. This mold growth can build up in damp leaf piles, and when disturbed, the mold becomes airborne which can make symptoms more severe.
Fall allergy season may vary based on where you live. However, a general rule of thumb is that fall allergy season ends when the first hard frost hits. This frost will kill off the mold spores, creating almost instantaneous seasonal allergy symptom relief.
Seasonal Allergy Symptom Treatment
If you’re struggling to control your allergy symptoms, it is important that you seek medical care. Seasonal allergy symptoms can impair your ability to function normally and leave you feeling worn down. Luckily, seasonal allergies are typically manageable with over-the-counter medications. Your medical provider will be able to evaluate your symptoms and determine which medications will bring you the most relief.
Visit AFC Urgent Care Edgewater for Seasonal Allergy Care in Edgewater, MD
If you’re suffering from seasonal allergies this fall, AFC Urgent Care Edgewater can help. Our clinic is equipped to diagnose your symptoms and provide the appropriate treatment to help you get back to feeling your best. We are open 7 days a week with extended business hours and we maintain short wait times. Simply walk into the clinic when it’s convenient for you. We accept most medical insurance plans and offer affordable care. Walk in today!